Green Hydrogen for our future generation
The ITRI established the "Fuel Cell and UAV Integration Alliance'' with hiPower and other companies
hiPower’s hydrogen charging station landed in Penghu, Taiwan
hiPower's innovative application of hydrogen energy
hiPower was invited to share hydrogen energy and energy storage technology
hiPower participated in The 26th Taiwan-France Economic Cooperation Conference
hiPower and YES ENERGY solve the problem of electric vehicle charging
YES ENERGY promote electric vehicle charging solutions with hiPower
hiPower was invited to participate in the first Taiwan-UK Hydrogen Energy Forum
ARTC cooperates with hiPower to provide verification services for "hydrogen production systems"
YES ENERGY promote a high mobility charging station with hiPower
hiPower participated in the operation demonstration plan of the Bureau of Energy
myGo green charging station knocks on outlying islands.
HiPower to Showcase myGo Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions | 2021 Taipei AMPA
全台第一座移動式的 "GO電綠能充電站" 上線開張囉!
University students visiting hiPower 大學生來訪鐙鋒
Mini mGen™, the spotlight in 2019 SemiCon Taiwan